Πάνος Ρώσσης

vocal, guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ziggy Was
Γιάννης Αγγελάκας

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ziggy Was vocal, guitar Embargo, Europe '94, I Swear, Lady A, Lust, Night Train to Moscow, Noway, Roses for U, Salted Kiss, Shotgun, Take a Look at the Kids, Time's Over, Two Turns to One, Violince, Ziggy Was
Γιάννης Αγγελάκας acoustic guitar, electric guitar Rave - μέλισσα, Έλσα, Εργοστάσιο - όνειρο - ξύπνημα, Ζάχαρη, Λιακάδα, Περιπλάνηση, Σκιά, Στο δασάκι ξανά, Στο σπίτι της Οδέττης
Ροδάμα electric guitar Επίλογος