Yael Naïm

vocal, piano, acoustic guitar, synthesizer, organ, Rhodes piano, melodica, electric guitar, flute, bass guitar, bells, programming
The Cotton Belt QuartetThis Immortal CoilDa WatchmanLouis César DesormesOnly other artist's recordings

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Cotton Belt Quartet
This Immortal Coil
Da Watchman
Louis César Desormes

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Cotton Belt Quartet programming, vocal, Rhodes piano, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, bells, electric guitar, flute, melodica, organ, piano, synthesizer 7 Baboker, C'est ma volonté, Endless Song of Happiness, Far Far, L.I.B.R.E, Lachlom, Levater, Lonely, Mais tu t'en vas, Oh Moïse, Pachad, Paris, Too Long, Toxic, Yashanti
This Immortal Coil vocal, piano Tattoed Man, The Dark Age of Love
Da Watchman vocal, acoustic guitar, piano, synthesizer New Soul
Louis César Desormes vocal, Rhodes piano, acoustic guitar, piano Shelcha