
Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alice Kinloch brass Jacobstowe Wassail, Jolly Old Hawk, May Song, On Christmas Day it Happened So, Reaphook and Sickle
Oliver Knight cello Jacobstowe Wassail, Jolly Old Hawk, May Song, On Christmas Day it Happened So, Reaphook and Sickle
Tom Allan trumpet Jacobstowe Wassail, Jolly Old Hawk, May Song, On Christmas Day it Happened So, Reaphook and Sickle
Martin Brinsford percussion Jacobstowe Wassail, Jolly Old Hawk, May Song, Reaphook and Sickle
Jock Tyldesley fiddle Midnight on the Water

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alice Kinloch brass Jacobstowe Wassail, Jolly Old Hawk, May Song, On Christmas Day it Happened So, Reaphook and Sickle
Oliver Knight cello Jacobstowe Wassail, Jolly Old Hawk, May Song, On Christmas Day it Happened So, Reaphook and Sickle
Tom Allan trumpet Jacobstowe Wassail, Jolly Old Hawk, May Song, On Christmas Day it Happened So, Reaphook and Sickle
Martin Brinsford percussion Jacobstowe Wassail, Jolly Old Hawk, May Song, Reaphook and Sickle
Jock Tyldesley fiddle Midnight on the Water