Véronique Potvin


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Cirque du Soleil
Nikki Yanofsky
Sara Crombach piano Carnival of the Animals: The Swan, Le Carnaval des animaux: XIII. Le Cygne
Wladislav Warenberg cello Carnival of the Animals: The Swan, Le Carnaval des animaux: XIII. Le Cygne

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Sara Crombach piano Carnival of the Animals: The Swan, Le Carnaval des animaux: XIII. Le Cygne
Wladislav Warenberg cello Carnival of the Animals: The Swan, Le Carnaval des animaux: XIII. Le Cygne

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Cirque du Soleil viola Atmadja, Incantation, Innocence, Let Me Fall, Rivage, Réveil, Steel Dream
Nikki Yanofsky viola God Bless the Child, Take the “A” Train