Vincent Villetard

creative direction, art direction, producer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alexander Morte
Alfred Kastner (Alfred Scholz pseudonym?) conductor Leonora No. 2, Op. 72 (1805), overture to opera Leonora/Fidelio, second version, The Consecration of the House (Die Weihe des Hauses), Op. 124 (1822), overture to a play by Meisl
Süddeutsche Philharmonie (an Alfred Scholz pseudonym) performing orchestra Leonora No. 2, Op. 72 (1805), overture to opera Leonora/Fidelio, second version, The Consecration of the House (Die Weihe des Hauses), Op. 124 (1822), overture to a play by Meisl

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alfred Kastner (Alfred Scholz pseudonym?) conductor Leonora No. 2, Op. 72 (1805), overture to opera Leonora/Fidelio, second version, The Consecration of the House (Die Weihe des Hauses), Op. 124 (1822), overture to a play by Meisl
Süddeutsche Philharmonie (an Alfred Scholz pseudonym) performing orchestra Leonora No. 2, Op. 72 (1805), overture to opera Leonora/Fidelio, second version, The Consecration of the House (Die Weihe des Hauses), Op. 124 (1822), overture to a play by Meisl

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alexander Morte creative direction Bibilolo: Bobeche, Bibilolo: Chico, fou du roi, Bibilolo: Chimpanz de Capelin, Bibilolo: Chocolat, Bibilolo: Galimafré, Bibilolo: Handwurst, Bibilolo: Jack Pudding, Bibilolo: Jean Farine, Bibilolo: Jean Potage, Bibilolo: Jimmy Warner, Bibilolo: Pagliacio, Bibilolo: Pantalon, Bibilolo: Pickled-Herring, Bibilolo: Triboulet