Vic Florencia

mix, recording, engineer
Ennis SistersSass JordanSarah SleanFathersonNelly Furtado寺中友将Only other artist's recordings

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ennis Sisters
Sass Jordan
Sarah Slean
Fatherson (Glasgow based Indie/Alternative/Rock)
Nelly Furtado

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ennis Sisters mix Accordion Intro / Rocking Chair Jig, Can't Stop the Dance, Forever Love, Haul Her Along, If I Should Leave You, Islanders / Connaughtman's Rambles, Lies, Live Not Where I Love, Lord of the Dance, Lullaby, Never Puts His Fiddle Down, Rainy Days, Sorry, When Tomorrow Comes, Work to Be Done
Sass Jordan mix Brand New Day (Small Thing), Desire, High Road Easy, Make You a Believer, People Talk, So Hard, Sun’s Gonna Rise, Tell Somebody, Trouble With Harry, Who Do You Think You Are, You Don't Have to Remind Me
Sarah Slean mix Life, Set It Free
Fatherson recording Gimme Shelter
Nelly Furtado engineer My Love Grows Deeper, Part 1
寺中友将 mix Your Love’s Like