Ulf Krokfors

double bass, bass, instrument arranger, strings, performer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tõnu Naissoo Trio
Katie Vine
Jukka Orma

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tõnu Naissoo Trio double bass Angel, Don't Say Goodbye, Fly Fly Butterfly, I've Got You Under My Skin, Lay Lady Lay, Lover Man, Milestones, The Dolphin, You Stepped Out of a Dream
Katie Vine bass Part 1:. Primal Mind, Part 2:. The Doldrums, Part 3:. Monkey Dance, Part 4:. The Fathers, Part 5:. Doom Mood, Part 7:. Rapids, Part 8:. Towers, Part 9:. Whooz Blooz
Jukka Orma instrument arranger Aamulla, Ajopuuteoria, Hapuilusi voima, Törmäys
Sneedlehog double bass Kilpikonnat, Kädet, Ugrigriot, Ylhäällä puissa
Krakatau bass Interrupts Us, No, No, No, Punk of Monks
Joshua Higbee bass Alice
Klang performer Still Be There
Peter Tambakis double bass Suuri virta
SpaceHobo double bass Stick 'em Up
이수정 bass Virta vie