Trivial Gender

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Marie Graham vocal Changed, Goin' Up Yonder, Jesus Is the Best Thing
William Perry (Minister of Music for Sabathani Baptist Church) vocal Jesus Is the Best Thing, Something About God's Grace, Steal Away
Gary Hines arranger Everything's Alright, Steal Away
Augustine Green vocal I Had a Talk
Charles Graham vocal Jesus Is the Best Thing

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Marie Graham vocal Changed, Goin' Up Yonder, Jesus Is the Best Thing
William Perry (Minister of Music for Sabathani Baptist Church) vocal Jesus Is the Best Thing, Something About God's Grace, Steal Away
Gary Hines arranger Everything's Alright, Steal Away
Augustine Green vocal I Had a Talk
Charles Graham vocal Jesus Is the Best Thing
Juan Turner vocal 99½ Won't Do (A Spiritual)
Rev. James Cleveland arranger I Had a Talk
Rev. R. E. Terry, Sr. arranger 99½ Won't Do (A Spiritual)
Tom Tipton vocal Battle Hymn of the Republic