Todd Reynolds

violin, strings

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Steve Reich
Steve Coleman (American jazz alto sax)
Depeche Mode
Paul de Jong
Ricky Martin

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Steve Reich violin City Life: I. "Check It Out", City Life: II. "Pile Driver / Alarms", City Life: III. "It Has Been a Honeymoon - Can't Take No Mo'", City Life: IV. "Heartbeats / Boats & Buoys", City Life: V. "Heavy Smoke", Eight Lines (Octet)
Steve Coleman violin Ausar (Reincarnation), Heru (Redemption), Maat, Precession, Seth
Depeche Mode strings When the Body Speaks, When the Body Speaks (acoustic version)
Paul de Jong violin Number Man
Ricky Martin violin You Stay With Me
Room Eleven violin What will it Be?
The Health & Happiness Show violin Tossed Like a Stone