Tobias Siebert

mix, producer, engineer, vocal, recording, piano, harmonium, other instruments, violin

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
gorduratrans (Rio de Janeiro based shoegaze band.)
Juli (German pop rock)
David Riondino

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
gorduratrans producer Apparition, Closer, Dance, Daylight, Down, Falling, Horizon, I'll Call Thee Hamlet, Remembrance, Soon, The Healer, Woods of Birnam
Juli mix, producer Die Sterne fallen, Du lügst so schön, Eisenherz, Elektrisches Gefühl, Ich bin in love (Paris), Immer wenn es dunkel wird, Jessica, Maschinen, Mit verbundenen Augen, Seenot, Süchtig, Woanders zu Hause
David Riondino engineer, mix, producer Don't Be So Hot, Down My Couch, Heavy Weight, Mother Shell, Phobia, Rain Kids, Runner (reprise), So Foreign, The Wings, You're a Runner
Soundmonsters mix Chaos, Feed My World, In Between, Last Dance, Show Me, Sooner or Later, Spaceship, Supersound, Take Me, Trouble in Mind
Herrenmagazin mix Alles so bekannt, Bis du mir glaubst, Ehrenwort, Gärten, Käferlicht, Sippenhaft, Wir bluten aus, Zwischen den Tälern
Slut mix, producer, vocal Broke My Backbone, Deadlock, Holy End, Nervous Kind, Never Say Nothing
Virginia Jetzt! mix, producer, recording 5 Uhr morgens, Das Beste für alle (anders gespielt), The Good Eltern
Marcus Wiebusch mix, producer, harmonium, piano Schwarzes Konfetti, Was wir tun werden, Wir waren eine Gang
Sometree other instruments, violin Enchiridion, Serene
Madsen recording Sieger
Locas in Love mix Comandante (Demo, Februar 2005)