Timothy W. Foley

DosWerkAdil DaraBeniamino PriorOnly other artist's recordings

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Artist name Roles Recordings
Adil Dara
Beniamino Prior

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
DosWerk conductor Country Band March, Fugue in C, March no. 6, “Here’s to Good Old Yale”, March, “A Son of a Gambolier”, March, “Intercollegiate”, March, “Omega Lambda Chi”, March, “The Circus Band”, Overture and March “1776”, Postlude in F, Suite, Old Home Days: Slow March, Suite, Old Home Days: Waltz, Suite, Old Home Days: “London Bridge Is Fallen Down!”, Suite, Old Home Days: “The Collection”, Suite, Old Home Days: “The Opera House” and “Old Home Day”, Variations on “America”, Variations on “Jerusalem the Golden”, “Charlie Rutlage”, “Decoration Day” from Four New England Holidays, “Runaway Horse on Main Street”, “The Alcotts” (from Piano Sonata no. 2, Concord, Mass., 1840–1860), “They Are There!” (A War Song March)
Adil Dara conductor Chorale Prelude, “Wir Glauben all’ an einen Gott”, Circus Polka, Dance of the Jesters from The Snow Maiden, Derivations for Clarinet and Winds: Contrapuntal Blues, Derivations for Clarinet and Winds: Rag, Derivations for Clarinet and Winds: Ride Out, Derivations for Clarinet and Winds: Warm Up, Finale from Symphony no. 1, Fugue in C, Lincolnshire Posy: “Horkstow Grange” (The Miser and His Man: A Local Tragedy), Lincolnshire Posy: “Lisbon” ( Sailor’s Song), Lincolnshire Posy: “Lord Melbourne” (War Song), Lincolnshire Posy: “Rufford Park Poachers” (Poaching Song), Lincolnshire Posy: “The Brisk Young Sailor” (Returned to Wed His True Love), Lincolnshire Posy: “The Lost Lady Found” (Dance Song), Love Scene from Feuersnot, op. 50, Prelude to Act 2 from Guntram, op. 25, Serenade for Winds, op. 7, Symphony for Band, West Point: Epitaphs, Symphony for Band, West Point: Marches
Beniamino Prior conductor Adagio para orquesta de instrumentos de viento, Suite from The Red Pony: Circus Music, Suite from The Red Pony: Dream March, Suite from The Red Pony: Grandfather's Story, Suite from The Red Pony: Happy Ending, Suite from The Red Pony: Walk to the Bunkhouse, Symphonies of Wind Instruments, Symphony no. 2: Finale, Symphony no. 2: Lento maestoso, Ten of a Kind (Symphony no. 2): Labyrinth, Ten of a Kind (Symphony no. 2): Scherzo: Martian Counterpoint, Ten of a Kind (Symphony no. 2): Song Stylings, Ten of a Kind (Symphony no. 2): Yoikes and Away