The Sonic Emporium

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Mourad Amirkhanian (Bass) vocal Ballad of the Motherland: Maybe Somewhere the Sky is Blue
Լորիս Ճգնավորյան conductor Ballad of the Motherland: Maybe Somewhere the Sky is Blue
Հայաստանի պետական ֆիլհարմոնիկ նվագախումբ performing orchestra Ballad of the Motherland: Maybe Somewhere the Sky is Blue

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Mourad Amirkhanian (Bass) vocal Ballad of the Motherland: Maybe Somewhere the Sky is Blue
Լորիս Ճգնավորյան conductor Ballad of the Motherland: Maybe Somewhere the Sky is Blue
Հայաստանի պետական ֆիլհարմոնիկ նվագախումբ performing orchestra Ballad of the Motherland: Maybe Somewhere the Sky is Blue