The Hollywood Symphony Orchestra
performing orchestra, synthesizer
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Shirley Walker
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Artist name
Shirley Walker
performing orchestra
58th Kamikaze, Act of Kindness, Aftermath, Alien Crash Site Battle, Approach Tower, Approaching Anvil, Part 1, Approaching Anvil, Part 2, Backup Activated, Battle Plan, Battle Preparations / Casualties, Blue Goo Tank, Bring Them Home, Bumpers Suite, Bus to Angry Angels, Butts Commands the 58th, Butts' Death / Pancakes in Space, Call to War, Classified Mission, Comet Approach, Coming to Get You, Consequences, Creation, Dark Hearts, Dead Radio, Deal the Wild Cards, Dear Ann, Do the Right Thing, Duty Calls, Extraction, Faith, Farthest Man From Home, Fatal Hit, Flight to SS Saratoga, Flight to SS Saratoga / Hidden Among Asteroids (album version), From Planet to Black Hole, Gift Giving, Hawkes Dialog at Plane, Hawkes Has a Sister In, Hawkes Jogs, Hawkes Runs From Hoods, Hawkes Visits Sister, Hawkes at Pag's Grave, Hawkes at Pag's Grave / Battle Preparations / Casualties (album version), Headed Home, Hidden Among Asteroids, Hitch a Ride on a Comet, Hoods Hang Hawkes, Into the Black Hole, Kylen Reads Letter / Colonist Massacre / Training Exercise, Laid to Rest / Advice for Leave, Let's Make It Happen, Marines Capture Alien / Captured Alien Dies, Marines March on Mars, McQueen's Room, McQueen's the Problem, Memories / Remembering the Past, Men in Dark Times / Hold Our Position, Message From Apollo Viii, Missile Attack, Mission of the 35th, Mutiny Begins, Mystery Hammerhead Dock, Nathan and Kylen Say Goodbye, Nathan and Kylen, Part 1, Nathan and Kylen, Part 2, Nathan's Present, Neck Navel / Chaput's Arrival, One of You Must Stay, Orbital Opening, Ordered to Mars, Peace / Arrival, Peace Talks Incident, Playing Blackjack, Position Compromised / Jets Away / The Baptism, Prepare for the Burn, Schrader's Mission / So Long, Winslow, Sewell's Arrival, Sewell's Fuel, Shane Fights A.I. / Shane Subdues A.I., Shane Kills A.I. / Shane Rappels & Attacks, Shane to the Rescue / Shane Downs Spaceship, Shane's Nightmare, Shirley Demos the Main Title, Sitting Ducks, Space Triage, Space: Above and Beyond End Title, Space: Above and Beyond Main Title (version 1), Space: Above and Beyond Main Title (version 2), Speech Thru Alien, The Big Battle, The Big Battle (album version), The Blue Goo, The Bomb, The Hunt, The Last Supper / Nineteen Hundred Hours, The Rescue, Time to Start, Wang Returns Necklace, Wang's Choice, Welcome Aboard / 58th to the Rescue, Welcome to Mars, West Clings to Life, West Finds Kylen, West Goes Awol, West Wants Truth, West and Cserko / Witch Hunters, West's Porthole to Mars, West's Prose Poem, Whore of Death / Departure / Who Monitors You? / Time to Be Erased / The Truce / Cooper's Soul, Why Kill It?