arranger, producer, mix, recording, vocal, guitar, strings, instrument arranger, piano, remixer, programming, bass guitar

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Yosemeh Adjei
Gennaro Mastrantonio
Kartel Boy
Paulino Cortés (chilenero guerrerense)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
凛として時雨 arranger, producer, recording, vocal, guitar 1/fの感触, 24REVERSE, Acoustic, Beautiful Circus, CRAZY感情STYLE, Can you kill a secret?, Cool J, DISCO FLIGHT, Dynamite Nonsense, Enigmatic Feeling, Enigmatic Feeling (2015 mix), Filmsick Mystery, Hysteric phase show, I was music, JPOP Xfile, Karma Siren, MONSTER, Metamorphose, Mirror Frustration, Missing ling, O.F.T, Re:automation, SOSOS, Sadistic Summer, Sergio Echigo, Sitai miss me, TK in the 夕景, Telecastic fake show, Tornado Mystery, Tremolo+A, Who What Who What, a 7days wonder, a over die, a symmetry, abnormalize, abnormalize (TV edit), am3:45, eF, end roll fiction, i not crazy am you are, illusion is mine, knife vacation, make up syndrome, make up syndrome (album mix), mib126, moment A rhythm (short Ver.), nakano kill you, nakano kill you (2015 mix), replica, seacret cm, this is is this?, キミトオク, シャンディ, シークレットG, ターボチャージャーON, テレキャスターの真実, テレキャスターの真実 (2015 mix), トルネードG, ハカイヨノユメ, ラストダンスレボリューション, 傍観, 夕景の記憶, 想像のSecurity, 想像のSecurity (2015 mix), 感覚UFO, 秋の気配のアルペジオ, 赤い誘惑, 鮮やかな殺人, 鮮やかな殺人 (2015 mix)
Yosemeh Adjei arranger, instrument arranger, mix, producer, recording, vocal, bass guitar, guitar, piano, strings 12th laser, Abnormal trick, Acoustic Installation, Addictive Dancer, Crazy Tampern, Dramatic Slow Motion, Dramatic Slow Motion (album version), Fantastic Magic, Fu re te Fu re ru, Secret Sensation, Shinkiro, Showcase Reflection, Signal, Spiral Parade, Wonder Palette, an artist, contrast, daylily, dead end complex, ear+f, film A moment (album version), flower, fourth, fragile, haze, illusion is mine, invalid phrase, kalei de scope, like there is tomorrow, like there is tomorrow (album version), phase to phrase, sound_am326, subliminal, tokio, unravel, white out, white silence, white silence (album version), 涙の旅路, 罪の宝石
Gennaro Mastrantonio arranger, mix, producer, programming, recording, vocal, guitar us, 声色
Kartel Boy arranger, instrument arranger みるいろの星
Paulino Cortés remixer zephyr remixed by TK (凛として時雨)