Susanna Hietala

vocal, piano, arranger

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Club for Five
Antti Lötjönen bass Angels in the Early Morning, Don't Explain, Early in One Morning, Have You Got a Brook in Your Little Heart, Life Goes On, Loneliness, Sing Me a Little Lullaby, The Wind, Those Crying Pictures in Your Eyes, To Keep You Home (Fly Away), Wild Nights
Jaska Lukkarinen drums, percussion Angels in the Early Morning, Don't Explain, Early in One Morning, Have You Got a Brook in Your Little Heart, Life Goes On, Loneliness, Sing Me a Little Lullaby, The Wind, Those Crying Pictures in Your Eyes, To Keep You Home (Fly Away), Wild Nights
Teemu Viinikainen guitar Angels in the Early Morning, Don't Explain, Early in One Morning, Have You Got a Brook in Your Little Heart, Life Goes On, Loneliness, Sing Me a Little Lullaby, The Wind, Those Crying Pictures in Your Eyes, To Keep You Home (Fly Away), Wild Nights

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Antti Lötjönen bass Angels in the Early Morning, Don't Explain, Early in One Morning, Have You Got a Brook in Your Little Heart, Life Goes On, Loneliness, Sing Me a Little Lullaby, The Wind, Those Crying Pictures in Your Eyes, To Keep You Home (Fly Away), Wild Nights
Jaska Lukkarinen drums, percussion Angels in the Early Morning, Don't Explain, Early in One Morning, Have You Got a Brook in Your Little Heart, Life Goes On, Loneliness, Sing Me a Little Lullaby, The Wind, Those Crying Pictures in Your Eyes, To Keep You Home (Fly Away), Wild Nights
Teemu Viinikainen guitar Angels in the Early Morning, Don't Explain, Early in One Morning, Have You Got a Brook in Your Little Heart, Life Goes On, Loneliness, Sing Me a Little Lullaby, The Wind, Those Crying Pictures in Your Eyes, To Keep You Home (Fly Away), Wild Nights

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Club for Five arranger, vocal Aurinkoon, Ei se vaan ole niin, Hiutale, Huoleton, Kevät uskaltaa, Kun kaikki muut vielä nukkuu, Kuu yllä kaupungin, Minä suojelen sinua kaikelta, Mä tulin sukuun, Ostoskävelyllä, Pysähtynyt sunnuntai, Uni