Stuart Bogie

tenor saxophone, producer, horn, clarinet, saxophone, woodwind, baritone saxophone, instrument arranger, flute, bass harmonica, arranger, alto clarinet, bass, whistle, jew's harp, alto saxophone, synthesizer, harmonica, programming

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
TV on the Radio
Julius Watson (R&B vocalist)
Gomez (UK indie rock band)
Passion Pit

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
TV on the Radio instrument arranger, horn, saxophone, tenor saxophone Blues From Down Here, Crying, Dancing Choose, Golden Age, Love Dog, Lover’s Day, Red Dress, Second Song, Shout Me Out, Things You Can Do
Morguenstern producer Elevator Elation, First Heart, Half Step Grind, I Can Hear You Calling, Our Favorite Part, Pattern Recognition, Second Heart, Second Heart (reprise), See Me On My Way, Sentimental Pieces
Julius Watson woodwind Graveyard Shift, Let It In, Sang Froid, Streets of Heaven (Promises, Promises), The Band vs. The World, The Last Crusade, Tractor Beam Blues
Gomez alto clarinet, alto saxophone, bass harmonica, clarinet, flute, saxophone Bone Tired, I Will Take You There, Just as Lost as You, Options, Sunset Gates, Whatever's on Your Mind
Passion Pit horn Little Secrets, Make Light, The Reeling, To Kingdom Come
Rufus Wainwright tenor saxophone Jericho, Rashida, Welcome to the Ball
Yeah Yeah Yeahs baritone saxophone, tenor saxophone Dragon Queen, Hysteric, Zero
Angélique Kidjo horn, saxophone Orisha, Papa
MC Menor da VG baritone saxophone, bass, harmonica, tenor saxophone Clever Devil, You & Yr Arrow
Chin Chin tenor saxophone Curtis, Toot D'Amore
Sharon Van Etten woodwind Nothing Will Change, Tarifa
Antibalas synthesizer I.C.E.
Dr. Dog tenor saxophone Long Way Down
Medeski Martin & Wood clarinet, tenor saxophone Nocturnal Transmission
Dryden saxophone The One Who Broke Your Heart
DJ Logic tenor saxophone Afro Beat
Fatherson horn Gimme Shelter
Dessie Keliher arranger, producer, whistle Sorrow Tears and Blood
Susie Benchasil Seiter clarinet, tenor saxophone Uninvisible
Cass McCombs flute, horn, jew's harp Laughter Is the Best Medicine
Ta inte på mormor tenor saxophone Who No Know Go Know
Daklik tenor saxophone Lady