Stinking Lizaveta

Alexi PapadopoulosCheshire AgustaSanford ParkerYanni PapadopoulosOnly this artist's recordings

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alexi Papadopoulos bass American Dream, Burning Sea Turtles, Dark Matter, Democracy Vs. The Machine, Johnny Otis, Moral Hazard, One to the Head, Stray Bullet, Ten Thousand Hours, The Seventh Direction, The Space Between Us, View From the Moon, Z
Cheshire Agusta drums American Dream, Burning Sea Turtles, Dark Matter, Democracy Vs. The Machine, Johnny Otis, Moral Hazard, One to the Head, Stray Bullet, Ten Thousand Hours, The Seventh Direction, The Space Between Us, View From the Moon, Z
Sanford Parker engineer, mix American Dream, Burning Sea Turtles, Dark Matter, Democracy Vs. The Machine, Johnny Otis, Moral Hazard, One to the Head, Stray Bullet, Ten Thousand Hours, The Seventh Direction, The Space Between Us, View From the Moon, Z
Yanni Papadopoulos guitar American Dream, Burning Sea Turtles, Dark Matter, Democracy Vs. The Machine, Johnny Otis, Moral Hazard, One to the Head, Stray Bullet, Ten Thousand Hours, The Seventh Direction, The Space Between Us, View From the Moon, Z

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alexi Papadopoulos bass American Dream, Burning Sea Turtles, Dark Matter, Democracy Vs. The Machine, Johnny Otis, Moral Hazard, One to the Head, Stray Bullet, Ten Thousand Hours, The Seventh Direction, The Space Between Us, View From the Moon, Z
Cheshire Agusta drums American Dream, Burning Sea Turtles, Dark Matter, Democracy Vs. The Machine, Johnny Otis, Moral Hazard, One to the Head, Stray Bullet, Ten Thousand Hours, The Seventh Direction, The Space Between Us, View From the Moon, Z
Sanford Parker engineer, mix American Dream, Burning Sea Turtles, Dark Matter, Democracy Vs. The Machine, Johnny Otis, Moral Hazard, One to the Head, Stray Bullet, Ten Thousand Hours, The Seventh Direction, The Space Between Us, View From the Moon, Z
Yanni Papadopoulos guitar American Dream, Burning Sea Turtles, Dark Matter, Democracy Vs. The Machine, Johnny Otis, Moral Hazard, One to the Head, Stray Bullet, Ten Thousand Hours, The Seventh Direction, The Space Between Us, View From the Moon, Z