Steve Moore

trombone, electric piano, Wurlitzer electric piano, synthesizer, French horn, conch, celesta, keyboard, Rhodes piano

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Eyvind Kang
Shannon Stephens
Snasen (Robin Snasen Rengård)
Sunn O)))
Wolves in the Throne Room

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Eyvind Kang electric piano, trombone Hiemarmene, Lost Souls, Mistress Mine, Monadology, The Earth & The Moon, The Yelm Sessions, True Ashes, Visible Breath
Shannon Stephens Wurlitzer electric piano Down the Drain and It’s Gone, Faces Like Ours, Girl, Wax and Feathers
Snasen electric piano, trombone Red Tide, Rhythm Futur, Telesto, The Blind Snake Charmer
Sunn O))) Rhodes piano, conch, synthesizer, trombone 01, Kannon 1, Kannon 2, Kannon 3
Wolves in the Throne Room French horn, trombone Celestite Mirror, Sleeping Golden Storm, Turning Ever Towards the Sun
Stone Gossard keyboard, synthesizer, trombone Beyond Measure, Moonlander
Nadia trombone Akuma No Kuma
The Electromagnetic Azoth celesta, trombone Potestas Clavium
Traditionalists trombone La Chanson de Jacky