Steve Cooper

recording, engineer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Muse (UK rock band)
Echt (German pop band)
9th Wonder producer, vocal Don't Rush Me

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
9th Wonder producer, vocal Don't Rush Me

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
maimie recording Another Place, Darker Sides, Dervish Dancer, Escape to Tibet, Guarana, Machair to Myrrh I, Machair to Myrrh II, Parc Floral, Sounds of Harris: Beethovan’s Air, Sounds of Harris: Lullaby for a Lapwing, Sounds of Harris: Moonlight on Loch Roag, Sounds of Harris: Song of the Shiants, Sounds of Harris: Spinning Tweed, Summer in Le Marais
Muse engineer Bliss, Darkshines, Futurism, New Born, Plug In Baby
Echt recording Weinst Du (single version)