
producer, mix, turntable(s), vocal, performer, sampler, percussion

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Arrested Development
1 Giant Leap (UK concept band and media project)
Dana Bryant
Inner Circle

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Arrested Development mix, performer, producer, vocal, turntable(s) Ache’n for Acres, Africa’s Inside Me, Blues Happy, Children Play With Earth, Dawn of the Dreads, Ease My Mind, Eve of Reality, Fishin’ 4 Religion, Fountain of Youth, Give a Man a Fish, In the Sunshine, Kneelin’ at My Altar, Mama’s Always on Stage, Man’s Final Frontier, Mister Landlord, Mr. Wendal, Natural, People Everyday, People Everyday (Metamorphosis mix), Praisin’ U, Pride, Raining Revolution, Shell, Tennessee, The Drum, U, United Front, United Minds, WMFW (We Must Fight & Win) FM, Warm Sentiments, Washed Away
1 Giant Leap performer Braided Hair
Dana Bryant producer, percussion, sampler Wishing From the Top
Hoylander vocal Braided Hair
Inner Circle performer Speak My Language (feat. Speech)
Salamander Koor turntable(s) I.F.O. (Identified Flying Object)