Simon Goubert

drums, arranger, electric piano, vocal, Rhodes piano

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jean-Michel Couchet alto saxophone, soprano saxophone Campanella, Cinq minutes plus tard, Et le temps a passé, For a new "K", Le phare des pierres noires, Organum I, Organum II, Questions de temps, The wind will come
Tamás Andras
Laurent Fickelson (French Jazz pianist) piano Campanella, Cinq minutes plus tard, For a new "K", Le phare des pierres noires, Organum I, The wind will come
David Sauzay (French jazz saxophonist) soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone Campanella, Cinq minutes plus tard, For a new "K", Le phare des pierres noires, Organum I, The wind will come
Stéphane Persiani (French Double Bass player (jazz)) double bass Campanella, Cinq minutes plus tard, For a new "K", Le phare des pierres noires, Organum I, The wind will come

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jean-Michel Couchet alto saxophone, soprano saxophone Campanella, Cinq minutes plus tard, Et le temps a passé, For a new "K", Le phare des pierres noires, Organum I, Organum II, Questions de temps, The wind will come
Laurent Fickelson (French Jazz pianist) piano Campanella, Cinq minutes plus tard, For a new "K", Le phare des pierres noires, Organum I, The wind will come
David Sauzay (French jazz saxophonist) soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone Campanella, Cinq minutes plus tard, For a new "K", Le phare des pierres noires, Organum I, The wind will come
Stéphane Persiani (French Double Bass player (jazz)) double bass Campanella, Cinq minutes plus tard, For a new "K", Le phare des pierres noires, Organum I, The wind will come
Sophia Domancich piano Et après, Marvin et Diana, Questions de temps
Eric Daniel (guitar) guitar Et le temps a passé, Marvin et Diana
Stella Vander vocal Organum II, Questions de temps
Frédéric Sylvestre guitar Le Sourire de Babik
Jean-Philippe Viret double bass Marvin et Diana
Boris Blanchet tenor saxophone Questions de temps
Michel Zenino (Jazz double-bass player) double bass Questions de temps

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tamás Andras drums 65 ter, Belchose, Don't Even Think About It, Etoile rouge, Final, Pentecôte, Polygone de sustentation, Raoul, Vestiges
Christian Vander vocal, Rhodes piano Ehn deiss