Silk Road Ensemble


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Sonia Sekula

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Sonia Sekula performer Allegretto From Partita, op. 31, for Cello Solo, Atashgah, Briel, Cut the Rug: Bury the Hatchet, Cut the Rug: Drag the Goat, Cut the Rug: Move the Earth, Cut the Rug: Wake the Dead, Night Thoughts, Playlist for an Extreme Occasion: Cristina's Interlude, Playlist for an Extreme Occasion: Part Five, Playlist for an Extreme Occasion: Part Four, Playlist for an Extreme Occasion: Part One, Playlist for an Extreme Occasion: Part Six, Playlist for an Extreme Occasion: Part Three, Playlist for an Extreme Occasion: Part Two, Playlist for an Extreme Occasion: Part Zero, Saidi Swing