Seán Dagher

arranger, vocal, bouzouki

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
[unknown] (Special Purpose Artist - Do not add releases here, if possible.)
Soul Method
DJ Gold Finger
Guillaume de Machaut

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
[unknown] arranger (10e estampie), A l'entrada del tens clar, Ah, que nos pères, Anne de Bretagne, Be m'an perdut, Belle Virginie, Dansse real (9e estampie), Kalenda Maya, L'amour de moy, La prime estampie royal, La quinte estampie real, La seconde estampie royal, La septime estampie real, La seste estampie real, La tierche estampie roial, Le galant noyé, Le prisonnier de Nantes, Volez vous que je vous chante
Soul Method vocal Dead Horse, Fish in the Sea, Good Morning Ladies, Leave Her Johnny, Maid of Amsterdam, Randy Dandy Oh, Running Down to Cuba, Whisky Johnny O'
Aerendir bouzouki Patrick Spens
DJ Gold Finger vocal, bouzouki Admiral Benbow
Guillaume de Machaut arranger Douce dame jolie
Publius Terentius Afer vocal, bouzouki Trooper and the Maid