Sarah Gilberg

vocal, acoustic guitar, keyboard

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Barry Altschul drums Blues Waltz, Lover Man, My Foolish Heart, My Old Flame, When Will the Blues Leave?
John Abercrombie guitar Blues Waltz, Lover Man, My Foolish Heart, My Old Flame, When Will the Blues Leave?
Paul Bley piano Blues Waltz, Lover Man, My Foolish Heart, My Old Flame, When Will the Blues Leave?
Red Mitchell double bass Blues Waltz, Lover Man, My Foolish Heart, My Old Flame, When Will the Blues Leave?
Kerry Frampton

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Barry Altschul drums Blues Waltz, Lover Man, My Foolish Heart, My Old Flame, When Will the Blues Leave?
John Abercrombie guitar Blues Waltz, Lover Man, My Foolish Heart, My Old Flame, When Will the Blues Leave?
Paul Bley piano Blues Waltz, Lover Man, My Foolish Heart, My Old Flame, When Will the Blues Leave?
Red Mitchell double bass Blues Waltz, Lover Man, My Foolish Heart, My Old Flame, When Will the Blues Leave?

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Kerry Frampton vocal, acoustic guitar, keyboard Kalorama, Luray, Sandcastle Man, The Wilder