remixer, vocal
Venetian SnaresNavicon Torture TechnologiesAzoikumFannyJaymezLossSicknessThe Cherry PointBoth artists' recordingsOnly this artist's recordings

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Venetian Snares remixer Just Another Cunt (Venetian Snares remix)
Navicon Torture Technologies remixer Sainthood (Raping a Saint remix by Navicon Torture Technologies)
Azoikum remixer Gas Blistered Lips (Azoikum remix)
Fanny (Canadian Breakcore artist Frasier Runciman) remixer Thana.45 (Fanny remix)
Jaymez remixer Human Speed Bumps (Run Over Bride remix by Jaymez)

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Venetian Snares remixer Just Another Cunt (Venetian Snares remix)
Navicon Torture Technologies remixer Sainthood (Raping a Saint remix by Navicon Torture Technologies)
Azoikum remixer Gas Blistered Lips (Azoikum remix)
Fanny (Canadian Breakcore artist Frasier Runciman) remixer Thana.45 (Fanny remix)
Jaymez remixer Human Speed Bumps (Run Over Bride remix by Jaymez)
Loss (US Death/Doom metal) remixer Just Another Cunt (I Can Taste You Already remix by Loss)
Sickness (industrial/noise artist) remixer Sermon on the Mount of Flies (Sickness remix)
The Cherry Point remixer Sermon of Vermin (Scene of Slaughter remix by the Cherry Point)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Venetian Snares remixer, vocal Contain, Die Winnipeg Die Die Die Fuckers Die (Spreading the Hepatitis SKM-ETR Style)
Navicon Torture Technologies remixer Everything Corrodes (Unemotional Mix by SKM-ETR)