Robert Horn


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Giovanni Antonio Rigatti
Lincoln Child
Michael Praetorius (composer and organist)
Michael Sweeney (American bassoonist)
The Badmen (Pub Rock, Garage Rock, Punk Rock)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Giovanni Antonio Rigatti vocal Magnificat
Lincoln Child vocal Symphonia Sacrae Liber Secundus: Suscipe clementissime à 12, C 70
Michael Praetorius vocal Polyhymnia caduceatrix et panegyrica: Missa Gantz Teudsch: Gloria
Michael Sweeney vocal Domine Deus meus à 6, C 127
The Badmen vocal Magnificat a 33
The Festive Players vocal Symphonia Sacrae Liber Secundus: Misericordia tua Domine à 12, C 69
阿部里果 vocal Timor et tremor à 6 (printed 1615 version), C 142