Rob Griffin

engineer, mix, recording

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Michael Hedges
Wayne Shorter Quartet
Modern Mandolin Quartet

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Michael Hedges engineer Aura Müünta, Baal T'shuvah, Dirge, Gospel, Ignition, Jitterboogie, Jitterboogie (family version), Oracle, Sofa No. 1, The 2nd Law, Theme From HATARI!, Tomorrow Never Knows, What Child is This (Greensleeves), When I Was 4
Wayne Shorter Quartet mix (The Notes) Unidentified Flying Objects, Flying Down to Rio, Myrrh, Orbits, Pegasus, Plaza Real, S.S. Golden Mean, Starry Night, Zero Gravity to the 10th Power
Modern Mandolin Quartet recording Brandenburg Concerto #3: 1st Movement