

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Black Opz (US rap group)
Abbey Nex vocal So Far Away
Adam Brown (worked with Valerie Gentile) harpsichord So Far Away
Filip Abbey (Abbey Nex) mix, programming, guitars So Far Away
Valerie Gentile producer, vocal, synthesizer So Far Away

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Abbey Nex vocal So Far Away
Adam Brown (worked with Valerie Gentile) harpsichord So Far Away
Filip Abbey (Abbey Nex) mix, programming, guitars So Far Away
Valerie Gentile producer, vocal, synthesizer So Far Away

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Black Opz producer Battlecry (4-The-Kids version), Battlecry (Grimy version), Battlecry (Thunderground mix), Battlecry (Thunderground mix) (clean version), Battlecry (opzapella), Battlecry (sickstrumental), Black Opz, Black Opz (opzapella)