Richard Colburn

drums, percussion, organ, strings

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
God Help the Girl
Tired Pony

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
God Help the Girl drums A Down and Dusky Blonde, A Unified Theory, Act of the Apostle, Come Monday Night, Funny Little Frog, God Help the Girl, Hiding Neath My Umbrella, I Just Want Your Jeans, I’ll Have to Dance With Cassie, Musician, Please Take Heed, Perfection as a Hipster
Tired Pony drums, organ, percussion, strings All Things All at Once, Blood, Carve Our Names, I Don’t Want You as a Ghost, I’m Begging You Not to Go, Punishment, Ravens and Wolves, The Beginning of the End, The Creak in the Floorboards, The Ghost of the Mountain