
vocal, producer, mix
FuglemenReference PointMostyn Space UnitMuskratFinger Lookin GoodMadcapShin Ki RowDef Wish CastDJ KatchDanaDave AtkinsDeltaHilltop HoodsMos-ManUrthboyBoth artists' recordingsOnly other artist's recordingsOnly this artist's recordings

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Reference Point
Mostyn Space Unit producer Favour the Bold, Lyric Night, Maximum Mayhem, Postcards of the Monarchy, Sea Salts, Symphonic Readjustment, This Last Week I've...
Muskrat producer, vocal Cycle (remix), Driven, In the Wild
Finger Lookin Good

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Mostyn Space Unit producer Favour the Bold, Lyric Night, Maximum Mayhem, Postcards of the Monarchy, Sea Salts, Symphonic Readjustment, This Last Week I've...
Muskrat producer, vocal Cycle (remix), Driven, In the Wild
Madcap (Australian hip-hop DJ) turntable(s) Favour the Bold, Lyric Night, This Last Week I've...
DJ Katch producer Definitely Hip Hop
Dana (Australian rapper, member of Apsci) vocal Maximum Mayhem
Dave Atkins producer Definitely Hip Hop
Delta (Australian MC) producer, vocal Lyric Night
Mos-Man turntable(s) Postcards of the Monarchy

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Fuglemen producer, vocal Captive, Casualties (Punctuate), Cycle, Dynamics, Form, Ghost Gums, How Will I?, Linear Notes, Look Before You Leap (take 2), Memento Mori, Resuscitate, Side of the Road, The Last Wave, Tour De Fuglemen, Travelling Light, Using the Craft, Warped Vinyl, Warped Vinyl (intro)
Reference Point producer, vocal Adelaide, Brother Wolf, Clean Slate, Moseley's Exodus, Postcards From Seacliff (remix), Save the World, Save the World (radio edit), Save the World (remix), Stay on Target, You're Just a Mortal Too
Muskrat producer The Upgraded Emcee
Finger Lookin Good vocal Dust Off the Mic, Dust Off the Mix (remix), Funky Who's Deffer?, Walkin On
Shin Ki Row vocal Soundscapes
Def Wish Cast vocal Saga (Iron Fist)
Hilltop Hoods vocal Mankind Must Suffa
Urthboy mix Unify