
Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Royal Holloway Choir vocal A Cosmic Prayer, op. 460, Fatamorgāna: I. Tuksnešu karstos putekļos, Fatamorgāna: III. Meža vīriņš, In Memoriam, Lūgums naktij, The Lamp of Charity, op. 489
Rupert Gough chorus master, conductor A Cosmic Prayer, op. 460, Fatamorgāna: I. Tuksnešu karstos putekļos, Fatamorgāna: III. Meža vīriņš, In Memoriam, Lūgums naktij, The Lamp of Charity, op. 489
Carson Cooman producer A Cosmic Prayer, op. 460, The Lamp of Charity, op. 489
Julian Millard engineer A Cosmic Prayer, op. 460, The Lamp of Charity, op. 489

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Royal Holloway Choir vocal A Cosmic Prayer, op. 460, Fatamorgāna: I. Tuksnešu karstos putekļos, Fatamorgāna: III. Meža vīriņš, In Memoriam, Lūgums naktij, The Lamp of Charity, op. 489
Rupert Gough chorus master, conductor A Cosmic Prayer, op. 460, Fatamorgāna: I. Tuksnešu karstos putekļos, Fatamorgāna: III. Meža vīriņš, In Memoriam, Lūgums naktij, The Lamp of Charity, op. 489
Carson Cooman producer A Cosmic Prayer, op. 460, The Lamp of Charity, op. 489
Julian Millard engineer A Cosmic Prayer, op. 460, The Lamp of Charity, op. 489