Q.B. Smith

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ariel Barnes cello A monk, dancing, Drifting Seeds, Three Meditations on Light: 1. The birds breathe the morning light, Three Meditations on Light: 2. Bioluminescence (wine-dark sea), Three Meditations on Light: 3. Absence of light - gradual reawakening
Heidi Krutzen harp A monk, dancing, Drifting Seeds, Three Meditations on Light: 1. The birds breathe the morning light, Three Meditations on Light: 2. Bioluminescence (wine-dark sea), Three Meditations on Light: 3. Absence of light - gradual reawakening

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ariel Barnes cello A monk, dancing, Drifting Seeds, Three Meditations on Light: 1. The birds breathe the morning light, Three Meditations on Light: 2. Bioluminescence (wine-dark sea), Three Meditations on Light: 3. Absence of light - gradual reawakening
Heidi Krutzen harp A monk, dancing, Drifting Seeds, Three Meditations on Light: 1. The birds breathe the morning light, Three Meditations on Light: 2. Bioluminescence (wine-dark sea), Three Meditations on Light: 3. Absence of light - gradual reawakening