Pål Svenre

mix, piano, keyboard, grand piano, electric piano, organ, producer, Rhodes piano, shakers, vocal, synthesizer, glockenspiel, percussion

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Rigmor Gustafsson
Pierre-Alain Chamot
Mikael Wiehe

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Rigmor Gustafsson mix A Different Kind, Blind as a Bat, Call Me Lonely, Finally Falling in Love, Forget About the Moonlight, Hymn, I Get Along, If Dreams Are Made of Sand, Let It Go, Nobody Does It Better, Stay, Stay, Valentines Day, When You Make Me Smile, Woke Up on Sunday
Pierre-Alain Chamot mix Criminology, East of Woodstock, West of Vietnam, Finding You, Goodnight Juarez, Guadalupe, Jai Alai, Love Abides, Mississippi River Running Backwards, Nina Simone, St. Olav's Gate, Stealing Electricity
Mikael Wiehe glockenspiel, organ, percussion, piano, shakers, synthesizer 55, Den blå röken, Jag drömde dej, Kärleken vet, Livet, Pojken och äventyret, Tango, Är det mej du är rädd för?
Orup Rhodes piano, electric piano, grand piano, keyboard, piano Din arm omkring min hals, Hej gamle vän, Lita aldrig på gifta män, Magaluf, Senast på söndag, Vid min faders grav
Dilba Rhodes piano, grand piano, piano Could It Be, Last Call, Not Directly, Peaceful Place
Danny Plett Janz-Team producer Child Again, In Time, Love of My Life
Al Holden keyboard Make It Right, Twisted in the Wind
Lisa Nilsson electric piano Man måste vara människa
Adrian Wilson electric piano, grand piano, keyboard Känner du som jag
Christian Falk piano Way Home
Olle Adolphson electric piano, grand piano, organ Trettifyran
Gerry Schubert keyboard Calling You
Katrine Bille grand piano My Everything
Laura Hillenbrand keyboard Moody
Svante Thuresson vocal, Rhodes piano En männ'ska du gärna vill älska
岡本更輝 keyboard Celebration