Philippe Poirier

guitar, saxophone, brass, vocal, other instruments, producer, instrument arranger

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Kat Onoma
Tarwater (German post rock duo)
Rodolphe Burger
Electric Electric

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Kat Onoma instrument arranger, producer, brass, guitar, saxophone A Birthday, A Wind That Hungers, Ashbox, Cheval-mouvement, Cupid, Documentaire : Kat Onoma, comme son nom l'indique (extraits), Lady of Guadalupe, Le désert, Meow, Meow, Missing Shadow Blues, No Poem, Over You, Radioactivity, Riverrun, Song, The Landscape, The Shape on the Ground, Worst Friend
Tarwater saxophone Do the Oz, Palace at 5 A.M., There Never Was a Night
Rodolphe Burger guitar, other instruments Cheval-mouvement, The Passenger
Electric Electric vocal Les Bêtes