Peter Aller

cornet, vocal, slide whistle

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Walter O'Keefe vocal The Bearded Lady
[unknown] (Special Purpose Artist - Do not add releases here, if possible.) performing orchestra The Bearded Lady

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Walter O'Keefe vocal The Bearded Lady
[unknown] (Special Purpose Artist - Do not add releases here, if possible.) performing orchestra The Bearded Lady

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Crumblowers vocal, cornet, slide whistle Bozo, Buddy's Habit, Camp Meeting Blues, Chattanooga Stomp, Close Fit Blues, Come Back Sweet Papa, I Ain't Gonna Tell Nobody, Room Rent Blues, Shoe Shiner's Drag, Snake Rag, Sweet Baby Doll, Sweet Emmalina, Tears, The Southern Stomps, Where Did You Stay Last Night, You'll Long for Me