Pawprint Elec

vocal, xylophone, saxophone, harmonica, body percussion, synthesizer, handbells, theremin, chimes, cowbell, voice synthesizer, kazoo, ukulele, castanets, recorder, flugelhorn, maracas, rainstick, washboard, sitar, bells, vibraphone, bass pedals, percussion, mellotron

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Олег Гапонов

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Олег Гапонов vocal, bass pedals, bells, body percussion, castanets, chimes, cowbell, handbells, harmonica, kazoo, maracas, percussion, recorder, saxophone, sitar, synthesizer, theremin, ukulele, voice synthesizer, washboard, xylophone 4068 Water Balloons, Alfalfa and Darla, Banana Smoothie, Burnt Popsicle, But What About, Cathouse, Dew, Harsh, If, Make Me Coffee, Nickson Road, Pretty Please (Be My Valentine), Shelly, Sludge, Suppose This, Velvet, What the Hell’s an Elvis Impersonator?, When the Band Plays, Whoa