Pat Kelley

guitar, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, recording

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
David Benoit
Aberrance (Death/Groove Metal from USA)
Ronnie Laws
Joan La Barbara
Hubert Laws

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
David Benoit guitar Conversation, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Feelin' It, Kei's Song Redux, Let's Get Ready, Napa Crossroads Overture, Sunrise on Mansion Row, Wild Kids, You're Amazing
Aberrance acoustic guitar, electric guitar Barcelona Nights, Fly Away, Love Will Light the Way, This Dance, Too in Love
Ronnie Laws guitar Good Feelings, Segue / There's a Way, Stay Awake, Summer Fool
Joan La Barbara recording Circular Song, Vocal Extensions, Voice Piece: One-Note Internal Resonance Investigation
Hubert Laws guitar The Baron, We Will Be
松居慶子 guitar The White Corridor, Three Silhouettes