Nick Johnson

vocal, guitar, electric guitar, keyboard

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Banner Pilot
Randall Bramblett
Aretha Franklin

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Banner Pilot vocal, guitar Central Standard, Colfax, Dead Tracks, Drains to the Mississippi, Effigy, Empty Lot, Farewell to Iron Bastards, Fireproof, Greenwood, Heat Rash, Hold Fast, Hold Me Up, Letterbox, Losing Daylight, Matchstick, Modern Shakes, Northern Skyline, Pensacola, Shoreline, Skeleton Key, Springless, Starting at an Ending, Summer Ash, Write It Down
Randall Bramblett electric guitar Angel Child, Bottom of the Ocean, Dead in the Water, Devil Music, Missing Link, Pride in Place, Reptile Pilot, Strong Love, Thing for You, Whiskey Headed Woman
Aretha Franklin keyboard He’ll Come Along