
vocal, synthesizer, guitar, guitars

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Punishment of Luxury

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Punishment of Luxury vocal, guitar, guitars, synthesizer All Change, All White Jack, Auschwitz, Babalon, Baby Don't Jump, Brain Bomb, British Baboon, Death and Boogie, Destiny, Empire of Idiots, Engine of Excess, Excess Bleeding Heart, Eyes, Fascicult Barabaraclique, Feels Like Dancing Wartime, Funk Me, Jellyfish, Laughing Academy, Love Decayed, Motivator, No Admittance, Obsession, Plants and Insects, Puppet Life, Radar Bug / Metropolis, Rock Out the Box, Secrets, The Demon, The Dragon, The Message, The Prisoner, Welcome