
vocal, performer, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, guitar

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Behemoth (Polish metal band)
Frontside (Polish metalcore/hardcore band.)
Vader (Polish death metal band)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Behemoth performer, vocal, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, guitar Amen, Ben Sahar, Blackvisions of the Almighty, Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel, Deathcrush, Fields of Haar-Meggido, From Hornedlands to Lindisfarne, Furor Divinus, In the Absence ov Light, Messe Noire, O Father O Satan O Sun!, Ora pro nobis Lucifer, Summoning (of the Ancient Ones), The Dance of the Pagan Flames, The Satanist, Thy Winter Kingdom
Frontside vocal Spłoniesz w piekle
Vader vocal Whisper