Neil Stanford

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
David Archibald producer, vocal, 12 string guitar, acoustic guitar, banjo, bass guitar, electric guitar, keyboard, piano Bird's-Eye Primrose, Dawn on Hattie Cove, Driftwood Violin, Gus Weidman, Imogene, It's No Tin!, Land of the Caribou, Of Fire Born, Path of the Paddle, Pukaskwa Wind, White River
Duncan Holt engineer, producer, guitar, percussion Bird's-Eye Primrose, Dawn on Hattie Cove, Driftwood Violin, Gus Weidman, Imogene, It's No Tin!, Land of the Caribou, Of Fire Born, Path of the Paddle, Pukaskwa Wind, White River
Kirk Elliott accordion, bagpipe, bombarde, flute, harmonica, harp, mandolin, violin Dawn on Hattie Cove, Driftwood Violin, Gus Weidman, It's No Tin!, Pukaskwa Wind
Doug Reansbury vocal, electric guitar Driftwood Violin, It's No Tin!, Land of the Caribou
Myrna McBrien vocal Bird's-Eye Primrose, Path of the Paddle, Pukaskwa Wind

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
David Archibald producer, vocal, 12 string guitar, acoustic guitar, banjo, bass guitar, electric guitar, keyboard, piano Bird's-Eye Primrose, Dawn on Hattie Cove, Driftwood Violin, Gus Weidman, Imogene, It's No Tin!, Land of the Caribou, Of Fire Born, Path of the Paddle, Pukaskwa Wind, White River
Duncan Holt engineer, producer, guitar, percussion Bird's-Eye Primrose, Dawn on Hattie Cove, Driftwood Violin, Gus Weidman, Imogene, It's No Tin!, Land of the Caribou, Of Fire Born, Path of the Paddle, Pukaskwa Wind, White River
Kirk Elliott accordion, bagpipe, bombarde, flute, harmonica, harp, mandolin, violin Dawn on Hattie Cove, Driftwood Violin, Gus Weidman, It's No Tin!, Pukaskwa Wind
Doug Reansbury vocal, electric guitar Driftwood Violin, It's No Tin!, Land of the Caribou
Myrna McBrien vocal Bird's-Eye Primrose, Path of the Paddle, Pukaskwa Wind
Mike Cassells drumset Bird's-Eye Primrose, Land of the Caribou, Of Fire Born
Larry Vien vocal Bird's-Eye Primrose, Gus Weidman
Wendy Moore (Canadian oboist) English horn, oboe Imogene, Path of the Paddle
Wolf Tormann cello Bird's-Eye Primrose, Dawn on Hattie Cove
Jamie Campbell vocal Bird's-Eye Primrose, Land of the Caribou
Jody Morgan flute Dawn on Hattie Cove, Imogene
Gary Barratt drumset Gus Weidman, It's No Tin!
Clyde Forsberg trumpet Bird's-Eye Primrose, Land of the Caribou
Linda Chiupka vocal Bird's-Eye Primrose, Gus Weidman
Shirley Baird hammered dulcimer Dawn on Hattie Cove
Marlene McBrien vocal Pukaskwa Wind
Gary Rasberry vocal Land of the Caribou
Protheus Goodchild vocal Land of the Caribou
Rob Unger vocal Land of the Caribou
Greg Law electric guitar Of Fire Born
Sylvain Gagnon tuba It's No Tin!
Tom Harpell vocal It's No Tin!
Craig Jones (Canadian bassist) bass Driftwood Violin
Will McGonegal bass Of Fire Born
Chris Coleman (Canadian multi-instrumentalist) clarinet Path of the Paddle