Neil Davies


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ralf Kiwit

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ralf Kiwit vocal A Midsummer Night’s Dream, op. 64: Act I. "Is all our company here?" (Rustics), A Midsummer Night’s Dream, op. 64: Act II. "Are we all met?" (Rustics, Puck), A Midsummer Night’s Dream, op. 64: Act III. "Have you sent to Bottom’s house?" (Rustics), A Midsummer Night’s Dream, op. 64: Act III. "If we offend, it is with our good will" (Rustics), A Midsummer Night’s Dream, op. 64: Act III. "This lanthorn doth the hornèd Moon present" (Starveling/Moonshine, Flute/Thisby, Snug/Lion)