

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Suspect (french DJ, member of the Zulu Nation) turntable(s) Jusqu’ici, Les Mots, Ma vie, Mes influences
Madjir vocal Frères ennemis, Mes influences, On mérite mieux
Mike (French rapper from Daz-Ini & Mike) vocal Les Mots, Ma vie
Siegfried (saxophonist) saxophone Accroché au son, Les Mots
Kohndo vocal Ma Définition

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Suspect (french DJ, member of the Zulu Nation) turntable(s) Jusqu’ici, Les Mots, Ma vie, Mes influences
Madjir vocal Frères ennemis, Mes influences, On mérite mieux
Mike (French rapper from Daz-Ini & Mike) vocal Les Mots, Ma vie
Siegfried (saxophonist) saxophone Accroché au son, Les Mots
Kohndo vocal Ma Définition
Kozi (French DJ from Paris) turntable(s) Ma Définition
Daz-Ini vocal On court
Kayn turntable(s) Rimes infinies
Seisme vocal Rimes infinies
Shupa vocal Jusqu’ici
Enz (French rapper?) vocal Ne reviens pas
Specko vocal Rimes infinies
Alexy (french hip hop) vocal, Rhodes piano Accroché au son