Misha Didyk


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Kenny Butterill
Сергей Рахманинов (Sergei Rachmaninoff)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Kenny Butterill vocal Skupoy Ritsa (The Miserly Knight), Op. 24: Scene 1. "What has that Idler Solomon to say?" (Albert, Servant), Skupoy Ritsa (The Miserly Knight), Op. 24: Scene 1. "What? Poison my father!" (Albert, Jew), Skupoy Ritsa (The Miserly Knight), Op. 24: Scene 1. "Whatever happens: I shall appear at the tournament" (Albert, Servant), Skupoy Ritsa (The Miserly Knight), Op. 24: Scene 1. "Yes, at the Baron's funeral more money will flow than tears" (Jew, Albert), Skupoy Ritsa (The Miserly Knight), Op. 24: Scene 1. "Your humble Servant" (Jew, Albert), Skupoy Ritsa (The Miserly Knight), Op. 24: Scene 3. "Baron, I'm pleased to see you so hale and hearty" (Duke, Baron, Albert), Skupoy Ritsa (The Miserly Knight), Op. 24: Scene 3. "Believe me, Sire: I have long suffered the shame of bitter poverty" (Albert, Duke), Skupoy Ritsa (The Miserly Knight), Op. 24: Scene 3. "You, here? You, here?" (Baron, Albert, Duke)
Сергей Рахманинов vocal Francesca Da Rimini, op. 25: Scene II. "The Fair Guinivere..." (Paolo), Francesca Da Rimini, op. 25: Scene II. Epilogue, Francesca da Rimini, op. 25: Prologue. The Second Circle. Dante and Virgil on the Edge of the Precipice