
Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tanel Paliale piano, synthesizer Emancipated, Hey Louie, Josephine on the Roof, Let It Shine, Log in Eye, Pale Earth, Pretty Face
Rein Fuks bass guitar, guitar Breeze, Josephine on the Roof, Let It Shine, Log in Eye, Pale Earth
Valter Nõmm drums, guitar Breeze, Emancipated, Josephine on the Roof, Let It Shine, Pale Earth
Epp Aareleid vocal Breeze, Pale Earth
Kadi Uibo vocal Josephine on the Roof, Let It Shine

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tanel Paliale piano, synthesizer Emancipated, Hey Louie, Josephine on the Roof, Let It Shine, Log in Eye, Pale Earth, Pretty Face
Rein Fuks bass guitar, guitar Breeze, Josephine on the Roof, Let It Shine, Log in Eye, Pale Earth
Valter Nõmm drums, guitar Breeze, Emancipated, Josephine on the Roof, Let It Shine, Pale Earth
Epp Aareleid vocal Breeze, Pale Earth
Kadi Uibo vocal Josephine on the Roof, Let It Shine
Marju Taukar vocal Josephine on the Roof, Let It Shine
Allan Amberg drums Hey Louie
Tauno Pääslane guitar Emancipated
Toomas Pääsuke bass guitar, guitar Hey Louie