Milan Lulič

WDR Big Band KölnCaterina ValenteSéverinHemant MattaniOnly other artist's recordings

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Artist name Roles Recordings
WDR Big Band Köln
Caterina Valente
Séverin (bass)
Hemant Mattani

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
WDR Big Band Köln guitar A Flower Is a Lovesome Thing, Agra, Amad, Battle Royal, Black and Tan Fantasy, Blood Count, Blue Bird of Delhi, Brown Skin Gal, Caravan, Cottontail, Creole Love Call, Depk, Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me, Don't Get Around Much Anymore, East St. Louis Toodle-Oo, Ellington Medley: Love You Madly / Come Sunday / It Don't Mean a Thing, Five O'Clock Whistle, I Like the Sunrise, Isfahan, It Don't Mean a Thing, Jack the Bear, Jump for Joy, Lady Mac, Meditation, Mood Indigo, Rockin' in Rhythm, Satin Doll, Sentimental Lady / Come Sunday, Sophisticated Lady, Such Sweet Thunder, Take the A-Train, Take the Coltrane, The Blues, The Star-Crossed Lovers, Up and Down
Caterina Valente guitar Green-Up Time, Here I'll Stay, It Never Was You, Listen to My Song, Moon Faced, Starry Eyed (Incl. Dixie Bop 1 & 2), One Life to Live, One Touch of Venus, Sing Me Not a Ballad, Speak Low / September Song / This Is New, Tschaikosky
Séverin guitar Eclipse, Mingus Medley "Boogie Stop Shuffle", "Jelly Roll", "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat", "Better Git Hit in Your Soul", Portrait, Pussy Cat Dues, Reincarnation of a Love Bird, Tonight at Noon
Hemant Mattani guitar Don't Get Sassy, Just Friends, The Farewell, The Groove Merchant, Tip Toe