Michael Rudiakov


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Whiffs
Herbie Mann

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Whiffs cello String Quartet no. 1: Allegro scorrevole - Adagio, String Quartet no. 1: Fantasia. Maestoso - Allegro scorrevole, String Quartet no. 1: Variations, String Quartet no. 2, String Quartet no. 2: Allegro, String Quartet no. 2: Allegro fantastico, String Quartet no. 2: Andante espressivo, String Quartet no. 2: Cadenza for Cello, String Quartet no. 2: Conclusion, String Quartet no. 2: Introduction, String Quartet no. 2: Presto scherzando
Herbie Mann cello Bang Bang, Deus Xango, Paradise (Music), Violet Don't Be Blue