Michael Rodenberg

keyboard, vocal, arranger, engineer, producer, orchestrator, mix, piano

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Epica (Dutch symphonic metal band)
Amberian Dawn

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Avantasia orchestrator, vocal, keyboard, piano A Restless Heart and Obsidian Skies, Another Angel Down, Another Angel Down (live), Avantasia (live), Babylon Vampyres, Carry Me Over, Cry Just a Little, Death Is Just a Feeling, Draconian Love, Dying for an Angel (live), Ghostlights, Invoke the Machine (live), Isle of Evermore, Let the Storm Descend Upon You, Lost in Space, Lucifer, Master of the Pendulum, Mystery of a Blood Red Rose, Prelude (live), Promised Land, Reach Out for the Light (live), Runaway Train, Seduction of Decay, Spectres (live), The Haunting, The Scarecrow, The Story Ain’t Over (live), The Watchmakers’ Dream (live), The Wicked Symphony, Twisted Mind, Twisted Mind (live), Unchain the Light, Wake Up to the Moon, Wastelands, What Kind of Love, What’s Left of Me (live)
Epica arranger Beyond Belief, Chasing the Dragon, Death of a Dream (The Embrace That Smothers, Part VII), Fools of Damnation (The Embrace That Smothers, Part IX), Indigo (Prologue), La'petach chatat rovetz (The Last Embrace), Living a Lie (The Embrace That Smothers, Part VIII), Menace of Vanity, Never Enough, Safeguard to Paradise, Sancta terra, The Obsessive Devotion
Amberian Dawn orchestrator Virvatulen laulu