Mega Beardo

guitar, arranger, performer, drums, remixer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Dave Baker (engineer)
Domingos Concalves Costa
Eugène Ginot performer Sonata for Flute, Violin, and Harp
Lily Laskine harp Sonata for Flute, Violin, and Harp
Marcel Moyse flute Sonata for Flute, Violin, and Harp

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Eugène Ginot performer Sonata for Flute, Violin, and Harp
Lily Laskine harp Sonata for Flute, Violin, and Harp
Marcel Moyse flute Sonata for Flute, Violin, and Harp

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Dave Baker arranger, drums, guitar The Great Sprite Hope
Domingos Concalves Costa performer Meridian Rush (Parts I, II, & III)