Meat Puppets


Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Dave Jerden mix Backwater, Evil Love, Flaming Heart, Never to Be Found, Shine, Station, Things, Violet Eyes, We Don’t Exist, Why?
Paul Leary mix Evil Love, Roof With a Hole, Severed Goddess Hand, Why?
Stuart Sullivan engineer Evil Love, Roof With a Hole, Severed Goddess Hand, Why?
Curt Kirkwood producer, vocal, guitar Lake of Fire, Unexplained
Chad Fridirici engineer, recording Unexplained

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Dave Jerden mix Backwater, Evil Love, Flaming Heart, Never to Be Found, Shine, Station, Things, Violet Eyes, We Don’t Exist, Why?
Paul Leary mix Evil Love, Roof With a Hole, Severed Goddess Hand, Why?
Stuart Sullivan engineer Evil Love, Roof With a Hole, Severed Goddess Hand, Why?
Curt Kirkwood producer, vocal, guitar Lake of Fire, Unexplained
Chad Fridirici engineer, recording Unexplained
Cris Kirkwood vocal, bass Lake of Fire
Derrick Bostrom drums Lake of Fire
Jim Dickinson organ Roof With a Hole
Spot (Producer and engineer for SST Records) producer Lake of Fire